Donald Judd (1928-1994) Chair,1993 – Finish Color Plywood – RISD Museum
A double take is an act of quickly looking at something that is surprising or unusual a second time after looking at it a moment earlier.
The RISD Museum often focuses attention on a single object in an exciting program they call ‘DOUBLE TAKE’ where two different art/design educators or curators offer different perspectives or ‘takes’ on a single object in the museum collection. I have seen a number of these dialogues, they are fantastic!
One the items being featured in a new series DOUBLE TAKE: COLOR is a chair that I gave to the Museum designed by Donald Judd…
On march 15 artist Lynn Harlow who on her website statement asks “How little is enough?” and RISD Industrial Design Professor Seth Stern who has designed furniture for numerous manufacturers, will have a dialogue about the Judd chair.
It is deeply gratifying when gifts I have made to the RISD Museum are used to engage and inspire the current and future generations of artist, designers and museum visitors.
Giving back feels good!