I really like this image – it is anchored, balanced, and includes some treasured objects and artwork – but it represents much more.
Five years ago, after many years together, my wife and I decided to separate; I needed to create a new home. I moved into what was a loft apartment with a layout that suited my needs and a two year lease. But it needed some changes before I could call it ‘home’.
The ‘before’ pictures in this post were taken after the apartment had a fresh coat of paint, but that was just the beginning….
‘BEFORE’ – Entry & Dining Area
‘ AFTER’ – Dining Area
‘BEFORE’ – Dining Area and Kitchen
‘AFTER’ – Dining Area and Kitchen
‘BEFORE’ – Den
‘AFTER’ – Den
‘AFTER’ – Den
‘BEFORE’ – Master Bedroom
‘AFTER’ – Master Bedroom
‘AFTER’ – Master Bedroom
For me the ‘AFTER’ images in this post are personal, as they represent a safe landing during a very bumpy period and the beginning of a new chapter in my life. They also help me to remember that even in the best of circumstances, moving can be traumatic.
About three years ago I moved again, this time to a more permanent home in Brooklyn Heights. The apartment is bigger, better and I am no longer a tenant – it is now my home.
Moving requires a lot of work – both physical and emotional work — and always involves making what can seem like an endless list of decisions, not to mention the profound disruption of ones sense of ‘home’.
The work we do for our clients at Glenn Gissler Design takes these factors, and many more, into account when we assist them in making their own transitions. I call it ‘creating the context for their futures to take place’.