Glenn Gissler - Blog - 2014 - Still-Life-608x820

I love photography.

And I love working with photographers to shoot images (can we still call them ‘pictures’ in the digital age?) of my design projects.

I have had a long and fruitful collaborative working relationship with Steve Gross and Sue Daley, known as Gross & Daley, documenting completed, and more recently ‘in-process’ projects.

A couple of weeks ago Steve, Sue, me and Senior Designer Craig Strulovitz spent two days shooting photographs of a two bedroom apartment on Gramercy Park North….

The design process in my studio is a balance between analysis and study, with intuition and experience.  After working tirelessly to resolve a gazillion details, and to satisfy both our clients and ourselves, I have found that photographers ALWAYS discover something I had not fully seen or realized: I learn from and cherish these discoveries and the resultant creative realizations.

During this photographic collaboration we initially establish a viewpoint for an image, and then we all work together to add, delete, and adjust, and adjust again the furnishings, objects, flowers, and of course the lighting until we are all happy.

Magic happens in the camera!

Steve and I created a brief video showing a very abbreviated version of the process:
