Glenn Gissler - Interior Design - Nest Magazine

Nest Magazine was an outlier in the magazine world with a brief but impactful life from 1997-2003.

Joseph Holtzman, founder, and editor-in-chief created an outrageously unique and provocative experience for readers, exploring and revealing every kind of dwelling, from the professionally designed and grand to the humble yet beautiful.

In the video below, shot at the NYSID lecture I organized “Nest – A Wild Adventure”, Lisa Zeiger, former decorative arts editor at Nest, presents a lecture that explores Nest as a magnificently unified work of art reflecting the taste of its founder, and offers a rare glimpse into the magazine’s photography, graphic design, and eclectic array of authors and interiors.

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The lecture was followed by a discussion with Mitchell Owens, decorative arts editor at Architectural Digest, and myself in my capacity as president of ASID New York Metro, on the magazine’s creators, exuberant content and its influence on design thinking and writing today.
