Glenn Gissler - Blog - 2015 - Concert_Hands_Up_Wide

Being a man of a certain age I like to see others ‘swimming in the water’ before I jump in. I am a pretty ‘late adopter’, I admit it.

Out of curiosity I joined Facebook in 2008, but it wasn’t until the Fall of 2013 that I began to really focus my efforts and see what greater participation in the socali media landscape might bring.

Today I have:

Over 20,000 ‘LIKE’s‘ on Facebook,

Over 14,000 images pinned on Pinterest

Over 4,000 connections on LinkedIn

And almost 10,000 visitors to my blog ‘In Pursuit of Design Alchemy’

and in the last 18 months had almost 11,000 visitors to 

What has come of all this connectivity?

Glenn Gissler - Blog - 2015 - Gissler-logo1-Youtube2095-300x300

The single most important benefit is greater


with content that I control.


Through this process of MUCH greater engagement on social media I have become clearer on my own ‘story’ – and what distinguishes me from others. By regularly posting and writing about my work – and what interests me in the world – I have discovered meaningful threads in my values and in my journey.

In addition, I have gotten a lot of encouragement and positive feedback from friends and colleagues – old and new. Thank you!

I have found kindred spirits and met – both online and in person – many new and very interesting people in and out of my industry, the art world, social circles and the much larger world.

Increasingly I am being approached by writers for blogs, magazines and books that have, and will continue to, further expand my VISIBILITY.

Our world continues to move at an ever rapid pace, with no signs of slowing down. I am committed to participating in the times in which I live, and seeing what adventures lay ahead in the 21st Century!

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