DLS Day 3 – Brooklyn ‘Makers’ Tour

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Feeling a bit like Marco Polo, I joined in the DLS’s full day tour of the studios of ‘Brooklyn Makers’ organized by Wanted Design founders Claire Pijoulat & Odile Hainaut.

While I had to keep checking a map to see where exactly we were, it was rewarding to meet  and experience members of the rich creative community that’s developed in Brooklyn in recent years. Here are some of the craftsmen I found most interesting…


DLS Day 2 – Industry City, Brooklyn: Mike D, Victoria and many others

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Recently a friend from California made the comment “Brooklyn is the hippest place on earth.”

And I thought, I live in Brooklyn.  Well, actually Brooklyn Heights.

But the truth is Brooklyn is enormous, and has countless distinct neighborhoods including a multitude of ethnic groups – and the entire range of the socioeconomic spectrum – as well as pockets of unique and creative enterprises.

And while my neighborhood is very beautiful, it most certainly is not hip.

Now I admit I am older than 22; I have not grown the ubiquitous Brooklyn beard; and while I have seen and done some very cool things in Brooklyn, I cannot say I am on the pulse of all things Brooklyn.

I was looking forward to Day 2 of the Design Leadership Summit 2014 at Industry City in Brooklyn – wherever that turned out to be….


Design Leadership Summit 2014 – Fran, Jamie, Maya and many others…

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The 2014 Design Leadership Summit started off with requisite cocktails and raconteur Fran Lebowitz in a conversation with Deborah Needleman – Editor-in-Chief of   ‘T’, the New York Times Style Magazine.  Lebowitz, as anticipated, was in full ‘Fran Lebowitz mode’ opining about the state of New York City “post–Bloomberg” and reminiscing, or rather bemoaning, the things about ‘old New York’ that have disappeared…
