Architecture, Design, Projects
Mention Shelter Island and many New Yorkers will nod their heads and say they have heard of it, but haven’t really been, but boy are they missing out! About a two hour drive from the city to Greenport, Long Island followed by a short five minute ferry ride across the sound and Voila! — you’re in one of the most scenic location that seems to be lost in time, and you’ll wonder why didn’t you visit sooner.
Architecture, Design, Printed Matter
I have had a long love affair with Shelter Island – a place that many people in New York have never heard of; a place some have heard of, but they aren’t sure where it is; a place some have driven through. An even smaller number have been and stayed there! It’s an island between the North and South Fork of Eastern Long Island where time, in many ways, has stood still; for me it is like the Midwest meets New England: It is a very special place.
While it is necessary to take a short ferry to get to the island from either Greenport or North Haven, there are treasures to be found.
I think it is worth the trip, and so apparently does HC&G!